A community of award-winning faculty, students, and staff

At the MIT School of Science, we celebrate the achievements of faculty, staff, students, and alumni.
Awards and Honors
Nobel Prizes 12
Kavli Prizes 6
Crafoord Prizes 2
MacArthur “Genius Grant” Fellows 11
National Medal of Science 10
National Academy of Sciences Members 102
American Academy for Advancement of Science Fellows 83
American Academy of Arts and Sciences Members 124
David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellows 17
Barry M. Goldwater Scholars 32
MIT School of Science Awards
Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching Prizes
The School of Science annually awards teaching prizes for faculty excellence in teaching. Nominations for awards can be submitted throughout the year.
Dean’s Fellowship
The Dean of the School of Science offers a fellowship to students nominated by their departments to support their graduate studies.
Staff Excellence Awards
The Staff Excellence Awards program recognizes the significant contributions School of Science staff members make to the MIT community, particularly for accomplishments that go beyond their typical roles and duties.