Childcare support and reimbursement offered for MIT School of Science faculty.
School of Science faculty members below the level of full professor are eligible to receive up to $10,000 for child care expenses per fiscal year per pre-kindergarten-aged child. The fiscal year runs from July 1–June 30, and payment requests must be submitted during the fiscal year in which the expenses were incurred. These funds are provided jointly by the Department and the School. Please note that this benefit supplements and does not replace the standing Dependent Care Policies.
Eligibility Rules:
Faculty members below the level of Full Professor are eligible for this benefit. Faculty with January start dates are eligible for half of the annual allocation during their first semester of service.
Faculty who are co-parents may both claim the supplement for the same child(ren). Children are no longer eligible for this benefit in the fiscal year in which they are five years old as of August 31st.
For children less than 1 year old, eligibility will be prorated to the nearest quarter during the fiscal year in which they were born:
-Children born July–September are eligible for the full reimbursement ($10,000)
-Children born October–December are eligible for 75% ($7,500)
-Children born January–March are eligible for 50% ($5,000)
-Children born April–June are eligible for 25% ($2,500)
Requests for reimbursement should be submitted to the human resources administrator for your academic department. Please include the name(s) and date(s) of birth (month and year) for the child(ren) who are being covered under the program.
Department administrators can find process instructions on Canvas. For questions, please contact the Dean’s Office Faculty Affairs team.
Please see the School’s website for additional information on faculty family benefits: